Fundamental building blocks of Evrim
Fields are the most basic building block of Evrim. In their simplest form, they can be thought of as definitions for a single column of data. In their most advanced form, relationships, they are a powerful one-to-many mapping defined by the user to collect specific relational information.
Fields can also be six different types:
String: Text field
Boolean: True/False field
Integer: Fixed numerical field
Float: Floating point numerical field
Relationship: One to many relational field
Preset Value: User defined string values
Let's say we are defining a Template for a Movie Character to build a movie database. We probably want some combination of the following:
Name: Character name
Age: Character age in movie
Played By: Actor the character is played by
Role: Role in movie
Friends: Friends of the character in the movie
Successful: Is the main character successful in their efforts?
Looking at these fields, we can map Evrim Field types to create a user defined schema to get obvious and not so obvious data about a given movie character.
Type: String
Type: Number
Played By
Type: String
Type: String
Type: Relationship
Type: Boolean
Evrim treats each of those values (other than relationship) as a user defined column of data that will be populated each time the Template is used to create a Profile. A simple mapping to a table helps us visualize what an ideal end state for the Profiles of Neo and Jon Snow may look like using this Template.
Keanu Reeves
Jon Snow
Kit Harrington
As for relationships, each friend that is identified during research will be extracted and attached into an array of values. Users may also attached Templates to relationships to further enrich all extracted relationships.
By examining the template's visual layout and its fields, we can use these basic building blocks to define both simple and complex data structures.
Check out the API Reference and Client examples to see Fields in action.
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