Research Questions
For more complex tasks that do not fit nicely into simpler values, research questions give users additional flexibility.
Research Questions allow users to have repeatable question pipelines that are executed each time a Profile is created with a Template.
When is a good time to use a Research Question versus a Field? Great question! Continuing our movie character example, suppose you'd like to know how the character evolves over the course of the trilogy or series. This is a great example of when to use a Research Question.
"How does this character evolve over the course of the movie series or tv series?"
Above is a great research question because of the following:
Research questions should be general enough to allow Evrim to specify it with the Profile entity
If we asked "How does Neo evolve over the course the Matrix trilogy?", this would lead to confusing during Evrim's specification pipeline when Profile collection is happening.
By asking more analytical, long form questions, we engage the multi-step agentic research process to do in-depth collection, generating complex and detailed responses.
Research Questions bring the new prompt driven paradigm to the forefront, giving users additional flexibility to find and analyze open source information.
Check out the API Reference and Client examples to see Research Questions in action.
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